Org Endorsements

“We are thrilled to support an equality candidate that advocates and supports our top priorities: equality (ERA), reproductive rights, criminal justice reform, environmental justice, health care equity, access to childcare and paid family leave, and education equity.”  - NWPC-VA

Community Endorsements

Kelsey Salley

A Westover Hills resident of 20 years

Katie is an excellent listener who genuinely cares about our community. She will be thoughtful about issues and listen to her constituents rather than corporations. Her experience in our community and passion for working with people of lots of different backgrounds shows that she is able to bring people together to improve the lives of all.

Cheryl Groce-Wright

A Southern Barton Heights resident of 29 years

“My dream for the city is that Richmond comes to terms with its painful history and past in order to move forward to a more equitable future. I respect Katie for stepping out with conviction to make our state and our city a better place to live, work, play, learn and grow. Someone has to step up and I am very excited that Katie is that person.”


“I pledge never to accept campaign contributions from either Dominion or Appalachian Power.” - Katie Gooch

“I support getting big money out of politics by amending the United States Constitution to guard against corruption and protect liberty, federalism, and the equal rights of free speech by limiting the undue influence of money in elections and government. I additionally support comprehensive campaign finance reform in Virginia.” - Katie Gooch

“I will govern with gun safety in mind. I will stand for safer communities and advocate for better gun laws.”

- Katie Gooch

“I pledge never to accept campaign contributions from regulated monopolies Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power, including their top executives and lobbyists, and do not own stock in these companies.”

- Katie Gooch

The Family Friendly Seal of Approval recognizes candidates who are committed to lifting up working families. For too long, families have had to choose between earning a paycheck and being there for a loved one in their time of need, tending to their own medical emergencies, or welcoming a new child. Virginia’s small businesses are at a competitive disadvantage with larger employers when it comes to attracting and retaining talent because they cannot begin to match the benefits. Virginia’s families, Virginia’s small businesses, and Virginia’s economy will be stronger with these candidates in office.